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Improvement Project of Science Construction CS

Abstract Science Construction’s business is in planning, developing and building road projects. The major of its clients are municipalities, city governments, and other public sector entities. While the bankruptcy rates for these clients is very low, when economic downturns happen, their ability to pay in a timely fashion also suffers. This leads to businesses such as Science Construction needing to take on additional debt and to find creative methods in order to stay afloat during times of recession. Methods such as selling accounts receivables at discounted rates and taking larger lines of credit through banks and other lending institutions are some of the ways organizations can remain viable when their cash inflows have turned into a trickle. Science Construction is asking the Turkish Courts to postpone their bankruptcy proceedings for a year while they attempt to restructure. Through this, suggestions such as forcing shareholders to pay their debt to the organization, gaining credi


In recent past , lots of complaints are pouring in from all over India against the Private Bank`s mode of recovery. This is observed that they are engaging goons to recover lapsed installments of any sort of loan . Not only that the fraud stars may with false documentations and obviously in collusion with the Bank`s staff or agent , may raise loan. Then the recovery team (read goons) may knock on your doors with their full blown muscle. I shall let you know a recent complaints , that has been lodged with a police station in West Bengal. wait for that, and till then bye/


Hi, Everybody, sometime some of you keep me asking about my days and time at Chittaranjan. This is natural, after all there are gaps of decades between most of you and me ! This has prompted me with an idea of writing this to share my old good days with those of you who are interested. Indian Railway under the British colonial rule was another group of companies with different British Managements. Since the different railway networks under all of them were used mutually for their own benefits. At places, different railway companies had the facilities of repairing and maintenance of their locomotives and passenger and goods carriages. To name a few, like Anda, Adra, Howrah, Liluah, Mughal sarai, Jhajha , these are they places I mention since they are quite closed by our loving Chittaranjan. The locomotives were imported from Manchester, England and few from Canada and Australia , all under the Union Jack. A good number of railway operational staffs were anglo Indians,

engaging goons to recover loan installments

you know, the emerging economy in India has brought it`s own perils as well. The middle class in pursue of consumerism is always in need of more funds even without having their own surplus to dispense with. Here the private banks lay the trap. These days take a bus ride in any metro, semi meto or small town, the big hoardings inviting the borrowers from private Banks and few other financial companies , can not escape your notice. who are the takers? you and me or the people like you and me ! This paves the way for frauds to have boom in collusion with the agencies, which are engaged by the Banks to disburse the loans. The temporary employees o f the agency , does not look for the job security as it is not for them. So get rich quick is their motto. by hook or crook. Doing so , they bring troubles for may gullible citizens.How is it ! I shall let you know , next time.


The population of the world is increasing day by day, but surprisingly people are getting loner ! One does not know the next door neighbour ! So the net, and here we are to develope a sort of relationship what exists between the Father and a confessor in Church. Which may or may not end in true freindship, understandilng, love ; WHAT DO YOU THINK?